Ubisoft is showing off its assassin customization in the latest “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” trailer.

Gamers will be able to build their perfect assassin using different armor, weapons and hoods depending on what skills they’d like to build on. For example, if a gamer wants to maneuver through a crowd without being detected, a more inconspicuous hood will increase their stealth.

However, if you want to show off your assassin’s melee skills, equipping a heavier weapon will allow the character to do more damage. Gamers won’t be limited to one fighting style, but there are three core skills players can build on: combat, navigation and stealth.

The character customizations will also carry into the title’s co-op gameplay mode. There will be options to disguise your fellow assassins as townspeople to help blend into a crowd, or equip certain items to make you a healer in your party.

“All of these customizations will then be carried into the game’s co-op,” according to Ubisoft’s blog. “In addition to your single-player skills, you’ll also be able to equip yourself with group perks to benefit your team as a whole.”

“Assassin’s Creed: Unity” also stresses the importance of planning your co-op gameplay missions. The goal is to team up with players who have different sets of skills than yourself to allow the missions to run smoother.

However, all the co-op missions are re-playable, so even if you struggle the first time around you’ll still have a chance to succeed.

“Assassin’s Creed: Unity” will be released to the Xbox One, PS4 and PC Nov. 11. Gamers who pre-order the tile will receive access to the Chemical Revolution single-player mission.

Ubisoft has also announced to the Season Pass for $29.99, which will feature eight hours of additional gameplay in two different missions.