"Watch Dogs" has released the single-player DLC pack with new weapons, missions and more.

Ubisoft confirmed the new DLC on their official blog. Gamers who don't have a Season Pass can get the DLC for $6.99. However, players who purchase the $19.99 pass can get future DLC for no additional charges.

"Along with the Biometric Rifle, this DLC pack also nets you the Auto-6 pistol - a burst-fire weapon that is ideal for dealing heavy damage," Ubisoft wrote. "As you progress through these three missions you'll also unlock new outfits (the South Chicago outfit), bonuses, perks and boosts.

"Including a Dedsec Battery boost, which gives you an additional phone battery; a Blume Weapon boost, which reduces recoil and increases loading speeds for all your weapons; a Driving Master boost to raise your vehicle's hit points; and an ATM Hack boost that will put a little extra green in your pockets."

There will be three new missions in the "Watch Dogs" DLC. The DLC will feature a new location called "The Palace," where Aiden will need to wipe a disk before the police arrive.

"Infiltrate the home of an Internet mogul before the police can raid it and find information on Aiden and Dedsec on hard drive. Break in, wipe the drive and make your escape before the raid begins. Oh, and don't forget to take out the mogul. You wouldn't want him telling anyone what he knows," Ubisoft wrote.

Click here for more information regard the latest DLC. "Watch Dogs" is available for the Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC. The title has reportedly sold more than 4 million copies since its debut.