Ubisoft unveiled their newest installment of the "Assassin's Creed" franchise during their E3 2014 press conference.

The gaming studio has provided more insight to their newest title on their official blog. Check out the best snippets of their "Assassin's Creed: Unity" post below. "Assassin's Creed: Unity" will be released to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on Oct. 28.

1. Ubisoft has "reinvented" every aspect of the title

 "Because of these new-gen consoles, this is the first time that we can fundamentally change a lot of the core mechanics and a lot of the stuff under the hood in terms of engine, game mechanics and actual game structure," Creative Director Alex Amancio said in the blog. "So this is what Unity is. It's not a reboot. It is a reinvention of Assassin's Creed for this next generation."

2. Stealth and smart combat skills are more prominent in the title

According to Ubisoft, the studio has revamped parkour movements to allow gamers to enter rooms without being detected. And if you're looking to button-mash your way to the end of the "Assassin's Creed" title, you'll be in for disappointment. You'll need to plan your attacks and use your surrounding to execute missions.

 "We actually made combat a little bit harder than before," Pontbriand said. "The Assassin is still a very, very strong fighter. He can easily dispatch an individual or a couple of guards or enemies. But we also wanted the game to be a little bit more realistic."

3. There is more than one way to complete a mission

" 'We've opted for a different philosophy where we won't tell you Tail this guy,' Amancio says. 'We'll just maybe tell you Figure out where he's going.' That means you can tail him if you like - and if you get spotted, the tail could turn into a chase. If you lose him altogether, your goal switches to locating your target. If a riot happens to break out and your target is killed, then you can loot his body to, say, find a letter that tells you where he's going."

4. You don't need to find a haystack to get to the ground level

 "We wanted to avoid having haystacks all over the place and doing that special move all the time," Senior Producer Vincent Pontbriand said in the blog. "Controlled descent is more exciting. It also allows you to do things that are different each time. This also adds to the sense of joy of being free and doing whatever you want."

5. You can upgrade your Assassin's skills

"We have a fully customizable Assassin, who can evolve over the course of the game," Pontbriand said. "So as you complete missions, you'll earn skill points, which you'll be able to spend upgrading your skills."