HBO has released new stills from "Game of Thrones" episode eight of season four titled "The Mountain & The Viper."

ComicBookMovie has posted 32 new stills from the episode, featuring Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, The Hound, Ellaria Sand, Daenarys Targaryen, Grey Worm and more. You can see the stills for yourself here.

[Warning: spoilers ahead!]

There have been rumors swirling about "Game of Thrones" season five will be filming in Spain, which is the alleged setting for Dorne. Along with a new location, published a list of possible Dorne characters. Oberyn Martell's four daughters, dubbed the Sand Snakes, are expected to appear in the series, along with:

Prince Doran Martell - Doran is described as the major new player this year, appearing in multiple episodes. The fiftysomething prince uses a wheelchair, is reclusive and rules wisely. It appears the show is looking to continue the trend it started with Pedro Pascal, and cast Latino actors for the Martell clan.

Prince Trystane Martell - Trystane, the handsome fiance of Princess Myrcella, is being aged up to 18.

Areo Hotah - Doran's personal bodyguard will appear throughout the season, assisting the prince with his duties. The show is particularly looking for a black actor to fill the role.

High Sparrow - The books' pious head of a religious movement will be appearing in several episodes in season 5.

Septa Unella - The show is looking for a character actress to play the imposing and unrelenting septa who spends a lot of time with a major series character next year.

Maggy the Frog- A fortune teller in A Feast for Crows, she'll be in one episode next year.

Lollys Stokeworth - Just last week in "Mockingbird," Bronn announced his intention to marry Lollys, whom Tyrion considers "dimwitted." It looks like the sellsword will still be around next year.

Yezzan - A sleazy Meereenese slave owner.

The Waif - The strange child from the books that Arya encounters will likely be played by an older actress, one in her later teens, and we understand the show is specifically looking for a woman of East Asian descent for the part.