"Game of Thrones" season four's "The Laws of Gods and Men" was filled with one twist after the other.

The show starts off with Stannis Baratheon heading off to the Iron Bank of Braavos to ask for a loan to help fund his war. Initially the Bank scolds Stannis for believing his bloodlines has any weight in their decisions and denies his request for a loan. However, Davos Seaworth is able to convince the Bank of to give Stannis a loan, but it's unclear what the two are planning to take over.

Meanwhile Theon Greyjoy's sister Yara is on a mission to get him home. Yara is able to invade Dreadfort and find Theon but is unable to release her brother. Theon believes he is Reek and remains loyal to Ramsay Snow out of fear of what his captor would do to him if he leaves him.

Daenerys Targaryen also faces a tough battle with the reality of what a ruler actually is. The new Queen of Meereen must deal with more than 200 people waiting to seek her console. One man approaches the Mother of Dragons with the bones of his dead sheep. He explains to Daenerys her Dragon fired them all and he now has nothing left to his name. Daenerys compensates him three times the amount of his sheep's value, but the next person who seeks her console isn't so easy to deal with.

A handsome man named Hizdahr zo Loraq asks Daenerys to take down his father's body. Daenerys is infuriated with the request, stating it was an injustice to crucify young children. Hizdahr counters her argument with his father being against the act, but was out voted by the other masters. Daenerys allows Hizdahr to bury is father and looks defeated as she asks her translator Missandei how many more she has left to see.

At last, Tyrion Lannister's trial is now happening in King's Landing. King Tommen has recused himself from the trial, allowing Tywin Lannister to become the judge. Tyrion's counsel consists of Tywin, Prince Oberyn and Mace Tyrell. Tyrion's enemies testify against him, including Cersei who utters the Imp's infamous threat: "A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid."

One humiliating testimony after the other, but soon the trial takes a break. Jaime Lannister visits his father and pleads for Tyrion's life. Jaime agrees to leave the King's Guard and head to Casterly Rock, where he will find a wife and continue the Lannister name. Tywin agrees to Jaime's plea, saying if Tyrion formally ask for mercy he will live the rest of his days as a man of the Night's Watch.

Jaime tells Tyrion about the deal as the people gather into the room for the trial. Tyrion is skeptical Tywin would let him off so easily, but tells Jaime he will do what he says. However, the counsel calls their last witness against Tyrion, which happens to be Shae. Shae dishes all the embarrassing details about their bedroom acts, and admits she was his whore before she was handmaiden to Lady Sansa. Shae also lies and claims Tyrion promised Sansa he would kill Joffery in order to get her into his bed.

Shae's testimony angers Tyrion and tells his father he wishes to confess his crimes. However, Tyrion takes the opportunity to insult his family and the people of King's Landing.

"I did not do it. I did not kill Joffrey but I wish that I had. Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores," he says. "I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it."

Tyrion ends the show with demanding the Gods decide his fate with a trial by combat.