"Game of Thrones" star Kit Harington is one of the few actors on the show who hasn't shown naked on the show, according to GQ.

Yes, there was one scene with Harington's character Jon Snow engaged in sexual acts with Ygritte (Rose Leslie) and his bare bottom graced the small screen for a few seconds. However, it wasn't Harington's butt who we saw, rather a double who needed to stand in for the actor who was suffering from an injury at the time.

"When it came down to it I had a broken ankle," Harington explained to GQ, "so the only time you saw my ass, it wasn't my ass."

Harington admitted he broke his ankle in a fit of drunken stupidity while trying to get into his apartment. He tried climbing up to his second floor apartment window to get into his home after he had forgotten his keys. He fell, hard, his flatmate found him and the actor was taken to the ER.

Still, "Game of Thrones" season three went on without a hitch. Harington's character is one of the last remaining "good" people on the show. Most of the people who have wanted to take the Iron Throne for the right reasons or who simply wish to do good have been killed off. Harington explained to GQ Jon Snow is aware of his responsibilities to become be a good leader after everything that happened to his family.

"I think Jon Snow is one of the last bastions of a young hero who might do a good thing," Harington said. "There's a huge amount riding on him to be a leader, and I want him to become that leader. I guess for me, Jon Snow is a figure of hope within the whole thing-that he'll continue to be this good person, and somehow the story will end well for everybody."

As for what's to come in "Game of Thrones" season four, Harington explained the sex and violence in the show is only going to continue to escalate.

"It's getting worse," Harington said. "There's some scenes this season, and there's parts of it that go even darker."