Real life X files of UFO sightings will be revealed soon and will be made available online. These UFO files are collected from real sightings of this extra-terrestrial life.

The Central Library of Air Force had already released these UFO files that come in 80 digital reports that would give proofs to strange sightings.

According to, these UFO files consist of specific UFO sightings details like the date, the location, the added facts and information, the experts' findings, proposed classification or declassification of files, interviews of witnesses and images, photos or maybe videos of the strange sightings.

Majority of these sightings happen in Spain and the Spanish government particularly its Ministry of Defence has released reports that would show strange UFO sightings in Spain around 1962 and 1995.

The defence ministry shared that some of these UFO sightings happen in one place while some are covered in several points and locations of the Spanish geography.

The first sighting was recorded in 1962 while the last was in 1995 and those were taken from different locations in Spain.

One of the testimonies include a prison guard and two sailors who claimed to have seen a bulky object in the sky with opaque light that keeps on changing its form every after five minutes. This was recorded in Ferrol dated April 2, 1996.

Moreover, one of the most popular of these UFO sightings in Spain is the Lugo incident involving a driver who had witnessed a round object with two meters diameter. According to the witness, the end of the object is shaped as a shell while the other end is flat and that the object is illuminated by a bizarre light.

However, the Ministry debunked that UFO sighting and claimed that it is just an incident of optical illusion wherein the light of the sun reflects on a granite rock.

Apart from these sightings, more are even recorded which the witnesses and UFO experts claimed as inexplicable events, despite the government's constant negation.

As these X files of real UFO sightings will be revealed, humans are still searching for answers to prove the existence of the extra-terrestrial life.