Recently, UFO Sightings Daily has once again discovered an object from an image produced by NASA which could prove that aliens indeed exist.

While the team is in the process of reviewing the image, the alien researchers have noticed a skull on the surface of the Mars. And it seems like every image taken on Mars can lead to the conclusion that aliens exist and that every alien hunter are very quick to explore and examine even the smallest detail of clues.

Scott C. Waring, an editor was the one who discovered the skull which he believes is a UFO or an alien that once inhabited the planet as per As he describes the object, he narrates how creepy it is because it has a fin-like ear and sharp teeth. Its nasal cavity along with its jaw line is also eminent. However, the question is whether that object is an intelligent species or just an animal on Mars.

Further, apart from the skull, a two-arm creature which features an open mouth, two, eyes, extended forehead, and sharp teeth appears just above it.

This finding was again debunked by some saying that this is another case of pareidolia - an occurrence wherein a person sees a familiar object like face or an animal in some patterns, like rocks and clouds.

Just the past weeks, UFO hunters were able to discover a walled city on the topmost peak of mountain on Mars and they claimed that aliens are smart enough to construct a city on the top surface for their protection.

Meanwhile, as also spotted by Scott Waring again, a machine like object was believed to be a tool used by the aliens on Mars and left it there. Alien hunters, aside from UFO and aliens likewise discovered buildings and houses in the images captured on Mars. Then they infer that civilization once survived on that planet.

According to these alien researchers, all these discoveries imply that aliens really existed in the past and are still hovering around Erath. They also believe that NASA knows about these UFOs and aliens only that, they are hiding it because it might create chaos among humans here on Earth.