As winter creeps in, the days get shorter and the weather gets colder. Now isn't the season to go for a bike ride, go play basketball or make your way to the beach, so why not stay inside and lock yourself away with some of your favorite games? Below is a list of the best games to help you escape the dread of winter this season, courtesy of IGN.

Far Cry 3: This game is riddled with complex character development in a dark, corrupt and violent setting. The game pits you against STI-riddled pirates and drug-induced hallucinations on this rugged and often brutal escape to a tropical island. You can battle your foes in an highly immersive game that is capable of stealing you away for hours at a time.

GTA Online: Obviously it goes without saying that "Grand Theft Auto V" is going to be one of the hottest games of 2013 and is the likely candidate for many Game of the Year awards. However, what gives this installment in the franchise some replay value would be its new multiplayer. Level your character up more than 100 levels and unlock vehicles, weapons, paint jobs and car improvements. Not to mention the freedom to skydive, steal planes, helicopters and pull of heists. The game is expected to add a content creator which will add another level of creativity and replay value to the mix. Escape the busy streets and sandy shores of Los Santos this winter.

Assassin's Creed: Black Flag: This game has been the surprise hit of the year and can provide the history buff with a bit of world history and the vacation buff with a bit of Caribbean sunshine. Free run through villages, sale the seas and hack and slash your way to prosperity in the fourth installment of this popular game series this winter. Why go out in the cold when you could soak up the sun in the middle of the ocean?

Skyrim: While Skyrim doesn't follow the usual trend of the other games to provide a sunny escape for gamers, it does give you the ability to traverse a vast and open world with no regard for your own safety. At least in terms of frost bite. You will have to wield various weapons and magical spells in order to avoid being eaten by wildlife or burned to a crisp by a dragon.

For a more complete list, including more games, you can find the rest of the article HERE via IGN.