Jennifer Garner recently broke her silence on her and Ben Affleck's highly publicized divorce and the cheating scandal that followed, and now he's speaking out about her comments.

In the tell-all interview with Vanity Fair, Garner spoke highly of the man she was married to for 10 years and made sure people understood that they "had been separated for months" before she ever heard any of the rumors that he was having an affair with the nanny. Since the couple has been on good terms since the split for the sake of their three children, Affleck had equally nice and respectful things to say about his ex.

While speaking to The New York Times about his new film "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice," the 43-year-old actor commented on the Vanity Fair interview, even though he made sure to note that he typically does not publicly discuss his family because of the children and because it ends up "being in the record somewhere, in the great miasma of junk on the Internet."

While he may not like to talk about it, he did not feel Garner overstepped her boundaries by speaking out about the divorce, either. "Jen's great. She's a great person," he said. "We're on great terms. I just saw her this morning, so that's the reality that I live in...She felt like she wanted to discuss it and get it out there and get it over with so she could say, 'Look, I already talked about it - I don't want to do it again.' It's fine. She's allowed to talk about it."

When Garner broke her silence, she explained that the nanny had "nothing to do with our decision to divorce" so people could stop blaming the split on these rumors once and for all.

"She was not a part of the equation," she added. "Bad judgment? Yes. It's not great for your kids for [a nanny] to disappear from their lives. I have had to have conversations about the meaning of 'scandal.'"

She then explained how Affleck will always be the love of her life, despite everything that's happened between them. "I didn't marry the big fat movie star, I married him," she explained. "And I would go back and remake that decision. I ran down the beach to him, and I would again. You can't have these three babies and so much of what we had. He's the love of my life. What am I going to do about that? He's the most brilliant person in any room, the most charismatic, the most generous. He's just a complicated guy."

"It's not Ben's job to make me happy," she continued. "The main thing is these kids - and we're completely in line with what we hope for them. Sure, I lost the dream of dancing with my husband at my daughter's wedding. But you should see their faces when he walks through the door. And if you see your kids love someone so purely and wholly, then you're going to be friends with that person."