Late night is a men's club, but comedian Samantha Bee is about to break into that club when her new talk show "Full Frontal" premieres Monday on TBS. The former "Daily Show" correspondent stopped by "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Thursday night and told the host that he frequently mentions his own genitalia on the show, leading Bee to show a montage off all the time Colbert had done so.

"I've noticed that you do reference your own man parts with a pretty astonishing frequency," Bee told Colbert.

Bee then rolled a clip that she brought and showed the times Colbert made such a joke, like using the word "caucus" and "huevos rancheros," and twelve others.

To prepare for her own show, Bee brought a list of "lady euphemisms" or "euphemisms that a female comedian can use to refer to her bathing suit area" as Colbert explained, to test out on Colbert's audience.

Some examples of the TV-friendly euphemisms included, "lady garden," "chamber of secrets," "department of the interior," "velour bouncy castle," "hurt locker," and "tavern on the green."

Check out the full clip below: