Do not let curiosity get the better of you. Never click the web link or you will get your Safari browser crashing and perhaps your iOS device as well.

For the purpose of gathering information, this writer tried the link and you may be assured that the browser did bog down and this is true even in the case of the Safari version for the Mac. Once a user clicks the URL, the website generates massive character string that overwhelms Safari and even the iOS device itself, which will most likely be prompted to reboot, Engadget reported.

Tests also reveal that also affects other browsers such as Chrome in both Android and PC platforms. The effect, however, is not as severe as in the case of Safari.

While its developers seem to intentionally cause inconvenience, experts did not find any malicious code embedded in the website. Safari and your iOS device should also be working just fine after the crash with everything intact, Huffington Post confirmed.

Certainly, there are those who might get tricked by friends to click the link because it is being currently circulated in social media. There are mean individuals, for instance, who are even disguising the link on Twitter with its URL shorteners to lure unsuspecting users, BGR reported.

But there is really no harm except for the annoying crash or if a user is actually working on something important with their browser or device.