Despite the bra being a regular part of a woman's wardrobe, many still make mistakes when wearing the undergarment. Below are some of the most common mistakes and suggestions on how to fix the problems.

1) You're wearing the wrong cup or band size.
The most common mistake many women make is that they're wearing bras in the wrong size. You have to consider cup size along with band size when buying bras, but the latter is more crucial because picking the wrong band size won't properly lift or support your breasts. Take proper measurements so you know what size to ask for. And, make sure the bra fits perfectly before making any purchase. You have to check how snug it is against your chest, how your breast fills the cup and how the straps rest on your shoulders. Watch the video below to learn how to properly measure for your bra size at home.

2) The straps either leave a mark or constantly slip off.
Bra straps leave marks or indentions on your shoulder when it's too tight, or they can slip off constantly because the straps are too loose. Adjust the straps so that they rest naturally. If the mistakes continue to happen despite adjusting your bra, you will need to go one band lower or higher, depending on the problem.

3) You're not fastening it right.
Always fasten your bra by the outermost hook where it's most loose and not on the innermost or tightest hook. This is especially helpful when you're trying it on for size. Take note of what this expert said: "A bra is going to stretch about three inches in its lifetime," said specialist Bobbie Smith via Huffington Post. "That's when you go to the next set of hooks."

4) Your bra's underwire is uneven.
If you're wearing a bra with a raised underwire, it's an obvious sign that it isn't the right fit and you have to replace it with a proper-sized undergarment. The bra should be nestled naturally on the curves of your breast, with no breast tissue or bone pressing underneath it. The center of the wire should be flat on the chest as well, per the Telegraph.

5) Your breasts are spilling over the cup or the cup is becoming wrinkly.
You will have to replace your bra with a new and bigger cup size if it's spilling over. However, if the cup is bunching up when you wear it, you should go down one size, per Seventeen.

6) You've been wearing the same bra for more than a year.
A bra used very often will lose its support and elasticity after eight months or so, according to Smith. To make the most out of this, you should have at least seven bras you can use on rotation.

For more on bras, also read: Bra Size: Innovative ThirdLove App Accurately Measures Your Chest Without Tape Measure (VIDEO)