In a twist of epic proportions, season two of Marvel's "Daredevil" will debut on Netflix on March 25, the same date that "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" hits theaters. Bold move, Marvel, bold move.

It's not as if "Daredevil" is direct competition for "Dawn of Justice," as the former is a TV show available for streaming in your home and the latter is a feature length blockbuster that requires a trip to the movie theater. "Daredevil" won't eat into the box office gross of "Batman V Superman," but clearly, Marvel is trying to send a message here.

Where the real competition comes into play is word of mouth. When it comes to reviews, think pieces, rankings articles and other such entertainment content, the two projects will be going head-to-head. Which one will generate more buzz on the Internet? Which one will attract more attention from those in the industry? It's hard to say. "Dawn of Justice" is clearly the bigger and sexier of the two, but "Daredevil" does have the benefit of an entire seasons worth of content (and fan attraction) to back it up.

Originally, Marvel and DC were pitted against one another when "Batman V Superman" and "Captain America: Civil War" shared the same release date of May 6. Marvel won that round of chicken when Warner Bros. moved "Dawn of Justice" up to March. Will they be able to dominate the conversation once again come March?

We'll have to wait to find out.