The most recent trailer for "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" was met with mixed reaction. Some fans loved it and couldn't believe they were finally getting two superhero titans in the same film (along with Wonder Woman and a host of other Justice League cameos). Others believed the trailer spoiled too much of the movie, namely the heroes' reconciliation and the reveal of Doomsday. But today comes a new theory that hints at a possible appearance for another well-known Superman villain: Bizarro.

Over at, the powers that be are speculating that the monster seen at the end of the "Batman V Superman" trailer is not Doomsday, but Bizarro. While CB sites a lot of source material rationalization, the basic premise of their argument is that Bizarro has typically come into existence after experimentation on Superman/General Zod's DNA. Doomsday, meanwhile, is largely viewed as a failed Kryptonian experiment from ages ago. Lex Luthor's master plan, based purely on the trailers, appears to resemble Bizarro more than Doomsday. Again, these origins come mostly from the comic books; director Zack Snyder has every right to rejigger backstories for the big screen adaptation. also points to the physical appearance of the monster in the trailer as supporting evidence to their theory. While Doomsday is known to have sharp, protruding bones, some believe what we saw in the trailer were actually crystals that form on Bizarro (a clone, for lack of a better term) as his molecular structure begins to destabilize.

So, is Doomsday actually Bizarro? It's hard to say definitively, but we lean towards no. Whatever the monster is in "Batman V Superman," he appears to be some sort of melding of the two iconic characters. Physically, his appearance more resembles Doomsday. But his heat vision ability suggests a Bizarro power set. It's entirely possible that Snyder is borrowing different elements from both in order to create a threat worthy of our protagonists.

Ultimately, there's only one sure-fire way to find out who the DC Trinity will be doing battle with, and that is to go see "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" when it hits theaters on Mar. 25.