For the "League of Legends" community, there is so much to look forward to in 2016. However, as much as everyone is excited about the new season, let us first take a look back at the great League moments of 2015.

The Primetime League has ranked the top five plays off 2015. With so much fun, drama and action last year, there were a lot of great plays to choose from, but these five plays were picked by the League as the best of the best.

5. To start the list off in the fifth spot is the game between Team Liquid and Team Impulse, where Team Liquid came out as victors during the very unpredictable game of the ninth week of the 2015 NA LCS Summer Split. Team Impulse had most of the community betting on them to win, showing prowess at 5v5 matches. However, the game was ultimately won by Team Liquid, as they focused on mechanics and rushed towards the enemy nexus when they got the chance, proving how wrong it was for Team Impulse to be complacent about their ability to win 5v5s.

4. In the fourth spot is the game between KOO Tigers and KT Rolster in the semi-finals of the LCK Summer 2015 Playoffs. Game two made it really interesting as KT Rolster tied the series 1-1 with the marvelous backdoor play by KT Nagne with champion Diana, catching KOO Tigers by surprise.

3. Top three, with no questions asked, is indeed a wonderful one to watch. A game between Invictus Gaming (IG) and LGD Gaming that lasted for about 45 minutes concluded in a great win by Invictus. This game in the 2015 LPL Summer split made it to the top three not because of how flashy it was won, but rather by how the players GODV and RoOk1E displayed their insane Yasuo and Ekko mechanics.

2. Making it almost to the top is the game between SKT T1 against CJ Entus in the LCK Spring 2015 Playoffs. In this game, it is very important to note MaRin's efforts in saving his team, proxy farming for almost a minute to buy time for his teammates revive timer and deny CJ Entus the win they almost had.

1. In the top spot is the game between Unicorns of Love (UOL) and Fnatic (FNC) in the 2015 EU LCS Spring 2015 week 8 day 2. This game is not one to be brushed off easily as UOL tried to defend their Nexus from FNC not once, but twice, and miraculously riding off with the victory. It was two times that their Nexus had gone below 10 percent of its hit points but somehow still managed to live on for a few more minutes just exactly right until UOL managed to snag themselves a photo-finish in the end line.

You can watch the top five plays in the Primetime League video below, or check out the LoLeventsVOD YouTube channel for the full videos of the different games from 2015.