Brutus the white lion at the Drakenstein Lion Park in South Africa has managed to father three "white Christmas miracle" cubs with his mate, Nala, despite having had a vasectomy to sterilize him three years ago, according to MSN. Lion keepers at the non-breeding park were stunned, stating the pair have been together three years since Brutus' neutering without incident and had no reason to believe he could father cubs.

Brutus is set to have another surgery to sterilize him ensuring this miracle birthing doesn't happen again. Regardless, mother Nala and the three cubs born just before Christmas are doing well.

"We are a non-breeding sanctuary and Brutus - before he became sexually mature - had a vasectomy which we assumed worked because for the last three years there has been no offspring," said the park's owner Paul Hart. "So we were taken completely by surprise by the cubs."

"Christmas Miracle" and "White Christmas" are phrases used in local media reports as the lions are rare white lions. White lions are an unusual genetic mutation, not albinos, said Drakenstein's website.

Drakenstein Lion Park is a nonprofit sanctuary for abused and rescued lions, according to Eye Witness News.

"Hopefully, this time round, we'll fix the problem," joked Hart. Brutus is scheduled for a vet visit to have another vasectomy.

White lions, extinct in the wild, are often used by captive breeding industry and purposely inbred to use offspring in canned hunts.