Finding accurate lyrics to favorite songs has just gotten easier for Android users thanks to the latest update on the Genius app.

The program has now introduced lyric matching technology that is compatible with various music platforms including Apple Music, Google Play and Spotify, according to the Daily Mail. The app will also provide listeners with extra information about the artist and the track.

Genius users will be notified with each new song if there are lyrics available. The feature is unlikely to come to iOS because it relies on APIs specifically found in the Android system, Mobilesyrup reports

The update was created with the help of crowd-sourced information from the Genius Rap site, which was made to allow people to post lyrics from their favorite rap songs, according to the Daily Mail. The company has now used this information in their app.

There are over 1.7 million song lyrics available, according to Android Headlines.

The app also claims it can locate lyrics from music from other devices by using the soundwave button. It has been installed in nearly 1 million devices and requires an operating system of Android 4.1 and up.