It's well-known that labrador retrievers and golden retrievers are great family dogs, but there are many other overlooked breeds that are just as good with kids. In general, medium-sized and large dogs are better with children, even though their size can seem intimidating or dangerous. In fact, it's small dogs that are typically more aggressive - everyone knows at least one Chihuahua who barks nonstop to compensate for its bite-sized appearance!

Here are four of the best dog breeds to get if your child is begging for a canine companion, according to PetMD and iHeartDogs.


Docile, lazy, friendly and loyal, bulldogs are great if you have a very young child. They won't get in your way with barking and bouncing, but they're cuddly and loving so you'll feel safe with these pups around your child.


These dogs are people-dogs. They're very loyal and protective of their loved ones, but good natured and family-oriented. These guys are "good natured giants," says iHeartDogs.

Old English Sheepdog

These big dogs are rambunctious and playful, but not aggressive, so they're the perfect match for a family with active kids older than 3 or 4. They're described  as "athletic with clownish energy" by iHeartDogs.


The "Lassie" breed is a herding dog, so they do well with other animals as well as with humans. They're smart and easy to train, so it's a great first dog for a family learning to keep a happy pup.