What happens when 21 golden retriever puppies meet a sprinkler? The fun begins! Goldens are water lovers by nature, so imagine these puppies meeting a sprinkler, where water just seems to be squirting in every direction. The puppies are giddy as they frolic in the grass, in and out of the sprinklers, notes the Huffington Post.

Would this video be just as cute if there were 21 chihuahuas, or 21 beagles? Cute, yes. Ridiculously, tummy-tickling adorable? Probably not. Golden Retriever puppies are the universal face of cute. Everyone loves golden retrievers, says MSN.  Non-dog people love goldens. Cat people love goldens. How can they resist? Their fluffy hair getting wet, their silly puppy smiles from ear to ear - its puppy perfection. Golden retrievers radiate happiness from every puppy pore.

How did the person shooting the video not slip out of their shoes and run through the sprinklers, too? We would have!