The holidays are a joyful, magical time, if sometimes a little stressful. Humans often struggle with the fluctuation between happiness and panic that comes with this time of year and its many obligations, but cats are the ones that show this struggle the best. 

Cats vs. Christmas trees. You know you'll laugh. The video shows a wide variety of cats mauling, punching, attacking, flooring and destroying the Christmas trees that have encroached on their home turf. All cat lovers know that the critters can be jumpy and weird, and this video is evidence that these cats in particular may not have much holiday spirit. 

Are you Team Christmas Tree or Team Cat? asks Popsugar.


You can be both, shows a video from "America's Funniest Videos." You can be Team Cats in Christmas Trees, because the world is wonderful. This video shows that some cats, in fact, have so much holiday spirit that they refuse to leave the trees. 


Youtube user FamilyGuy421 is one of the cat owners whose video was chosen and clipped for Popsugar's compilation, and the original deserves a watch as well. "He went crazy over the shiny decorations and tree lights and wouldn't leave them alone," said FamilyGuy421 in the video's description.


Merry Christmas, and keep your cats away from your trees!