CJ Pearson, a teen Internet phenomenon, has pitched in to support Bernie Sanders as president of the United States. Pearson was the chairman of "Teens for Ted Cruz" until about two weeks ago. He shot to fame when his anti-Obama video went viral on YouTube earlier this year.

His YouTube channel has recorded more than 5 million views, he has 37,000 followers on Twitter, and 100,000 likes on his Facebook page. 

"This election will make a pivotal difference in the future of our nation. If it takes changing your mind to make the right choice as to who should lead our country, I am willing to do it. Screw the optics," said Pearson, according to CNN.

"We need the right man in the White House. And in my opinion, that man is Senator Bernie Sanders," said Pearson according to starpulse.com

Pearson was part of the Cruz campaign from Sept. 8 to Oct. 31. He quit suddenly, saying that Cruz "wasn't doing enough to address the issues important to young people like student loan debt and youth unemployment," reports The Dallas Morning News.

"I'm not interested in being a champion of a cause that turns a blind eye to racial discrimination and police brutality in America. I also don't want to be the 'anti-Obama kid.' I want to be the kid who fought for real change and worked with both sides to achieve a better America," Pearson, 13, said in a statement, reports The Blaze. His decision was also attributed to his seeing a video of a Chicago police officer fatally shooting LaQuan McDonald.          

"I'm tired of labels. I'm ready for solutions to the issues facing the American people. I have long been a champion of conservative principles. I've simply decided to remove a label and listen to both sides," Pearson said, according to The Blaze.