Many of us spend so much time with our little friends that we feel like we can really get them, whether they're scratching for food or barking over jealousy.

But what about if they are asleep?

Dogs sleep 12-13 hours a day, so it's good to know how dreamland is going for them. Companion dogs, who are kept inside, sleep longer than working dogs, who stay outside. Working dogs steal naps from time to time, but they rarely fall into a deep slumber, reported Dog's Best Life.

Here are some common dog sleeping positions and what they mean, according to Little Things.

1. The Side Sleeper

The adorable creatures are carefree and loyal, and they feel loved and secured in your home. They love your company and they trust you, so they sleep comfortably.

2. The Snuggly Fox

Your furry pal, who loves to curl up like a ball, is compassionate and easy-going - and they would love to cuddle with you.

These dogs enjoy tucking their paws under their body and wrap themselves in their tails. This position keeps them cozy and secured.

3. The "Super" Canine

Are they saving the world in their dreams? These incredible super pups sleep with their stomachs flat on the floor, their hands extending forward, and their feet pulled back.

These canines are alert and high in energy. When something comes up, they can easily leap and run from their sleeping position.

So yes, they are "super canines," and they are there to safeguard your family. Alternatively, they can also "fly faster than a speeding bullet" to kiss you when you arrive home, reported Bowwow Times.

4. The Crazy Legs

Have you ever seen a dog sleeping the way they urinate? Well, that's a funny and unusual sight, but some dogs really sleep with one leg up.

Although this position is odd, there is absolutely nothing to worry.

Dogs who sleep on their backs are most secure and comfortable in the presence of humans. Unlike wolves that sleep on positions in which they can easily stand and leap from, your household dog knows that he has nothing to worry about, so he slumbers freestyle.

These canines are also unique and independent.

5.  The Tummy Curl

This is not a relaxing position, as the dog's muscles are too tense.

Nonetheless, there is nothing to worry. Your dog can still sleep and have an energetic day when he awakens.

6. The Passed-Out Pup

Perhaps these dogs have spent so much time with their owners that they now sleep like them. These furry creatures lie on their back with their arms slightly folded in front, and their legs in the air.

These dogs are confident and adaptable.