Your pet will wiggle his tail to thank you for giving him a Teepee to keep them comfy and relaxed. 

Teepees can conveniently made from affordable materials totaling $25, as estimated by Pet Weekly. This little shelter will be a perfect Christmas gift to your furry friend who's been keeping you happy all year long.

Round up the materials to begin the project. You will need:

1. 6 Metal Poles ($1/each). You can also use bamboo or PVC. Suggested length is 4 inches for a common domestic cat.  Adjust accordingly according to the height of your pet.

2. 3-5 Burlap Sacks ($1/each). Cut the sacks into half. You can also use shade cloth.

3. 1 thick rubber band. You can use two or more to secure the structure.

4. Strings or thin rope.

When you have all the materials ready, you can now get started with the project.

1. Hold the five poles together and tie them on one side with a rubber band. Spread the poles evenly to create a tent-like structure. On the area of the rubber band, you may circle the poles with string or thin rope to tighten the structure.

2. Imagine that the foot of your pole (the side farthest from the rubber band) is a needle. Insert the pole in and out of the edge of your burlap bag. Using the nearest pole, do the same on the other side of the bag.

3. Do the same on the other poles to come up with three "walls."

4. Tie the three "walls" together leaving an entrance for your furry friend.

5. Tie the burlap bags together on the top.

6. You now have your tent. Put layers of thick clothing below the tent for your pet to sleep on.

There you go! You have just made your little buddy a cozy home inside your own home. He can now have uninterrupted slumber.