Wollstonecraft, Australian police were dispatched to a nearby apartment complex this week after receiving reports about a man threatening to kill a woman – or so they were lead to believe.

As it turns out, the man was actually trying to kill a rather large spider he was chasing around his apartment, the Herald Sun reported.

Just befre 2 a.m., neighborhood residents were awakened by the screams of a man shouting, "I'm going to kill you! You're dead!... die!... die!" Others in the apartment complex heard the additional sounds of furniture being knocked over and tossed around, which they interpreted as signs of a life-or-death struggle.

Police arrived at the complex at approximately 2 a.m. and confronted a man who looked "flustered" and "out of breath." They then began to question him about the whereabouts of his girlfriend or wife, but the man claimed to be single and living alone, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

The Harbourside LAC - NSW Police Force soon got to the bottom of the situation and after a good laugh posted the entire conversation on Facebook. The rest of it went as follows:

Male: "I don't know what you're talking about I live alone".

Police: "Come on mate, people clearly heard you yelling that you were going to kill her and furniture getting thrown around the unit."

Police: "Come on mate, what have you done to her?"

Male: "It was a spider."

Police: "Sorry??"

Male: "It was a spider – a really big one!!

Police: "What about the women screaming?"

Male: "Yeah, sorry, that was me, I really, really hate spiders."

And after a very long pause, some laughter and a quick look through the apartment and complex to make sure no one was actually injured (apart from the spider), the police left the premises.