Here at HNGN we have been spending quite a lot of time trying to find out every possible detail we can about the upcoming new trilogy of "Star Wars" films. It turns out that J.J. Abrams may be a master of secrecy when it comes to revealing details related to "Star Wars: Episode VII" so all we've had to work with are a bunch of rumors.

Some of the rumors have involved casting choices with actors including Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Damon, Samuel L. Jackson and all of the stars of the original trilogy. Other rumors have swirled around where the film will be shot, what the plot will be, and how much CGI should be used.

We decided that it would be a fun idea to ask some "Star Wars" fans who were attending New York Comic Con 2013 what they thought about some of the more prominent rumors as well as what they want out of a new film. Here are some of their answers.

It has been rumored that Benedict Cumberbatch will play a villain in the new trilogy, what do you think of that casting choice? Does it bother you that someone who was in a "Star Trek" movie would be in a "Star Wars" movie?

"I have nothing against the guy, he's a good actor and all, but I hope he's not in it. I already think of him as Khan so if he's a villain in 'Star Wars' it will just be too similar. I'd like to think that J.J. understands both franchises and won't cast him in this one." - Tom Boyd

"I really hope that he's the main villain for the whole new trilogy. He's a great actor." - Holly Simpson

What characters, other than the big three who have been mentioned already, would you like to see return from the original trilogy?

"Anyone but the ewoks. No ewoks. Please." - Steven Erickson

"If there are going to be returning characters doesn't that mean that R2 and 3PO have to be involved? I'd like that. Seeing Chewy would be pretty cool too." - Tom Boyd

"I really like the fish faced guy that flew the Falcon in Jedi. I just want to hear his stupid laugh again." Jeff Chen

What is the main thing that you want out of the new films?

"I'm already getting what I want; more 'Star Wars' movies. I'm not picky, I'll like pretty much anything set in that universe." - Holly Simpson

"Can they kill Jar Jar? Honestly, as much as I love 'Star Wars' I don't really want any more movies. I'd rather there be some new franchise, I'm getting sort of sick of reboots." - Dave Fleetwood

"The Empire gets to win this time." - Darth Vader (OK, he was probably a guy in a Darth Vader costume but this was the only name he gave me)