Microsoft launched a feature for its Project Oxford website on Wednesday that can determine what you're feeling using artificial intelligence and facial recognition, according to Quartz. The technology works by breaking your face down into eight emotional states, each rated from a scale of zero to one, with zero meaning you're not feeling that emotion at all and one meaning you're feeling the emotion 100 percent.

Project Oxford is an ongoing set of online services that are designed to help developers integrate the more complicated features such as facial recognition into their apps, according to Business Insider. The new addition of facial recognition provides plenty of potential for business applications - for example, market research firms could use it to develop software that could gauge the reactions of focus groups watching their commercials.

"People are doing sentiment analysis on text, but not data," said Ryan Galgon, a senior program manager with Microsoft Research. "The exciting thing has been how much interest there is and how diverse the response is."

The software is based on machine learning, which means that the more it is used, the smarter it gets, according to the Daily Mail. Machine learning is the basis for other breakthrough technologies such as Skype Translator and Microsoft's Cortana.