On the upcoming episode of VH1's reality series "Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood," Moniece Slaughter's new boyfriend Rich Dollaz has a sit-down with the father of her 5-year-old son, rapper Fizz. The men discussed the role that Dollaz should play in his son Kamron David Frédéric's life now that he's dating Slaughter.

Dollaz was weary of the meeting with Fizz at first and said in his on-camera interview that he had already had a meeting with Slaughter's mother Marla and he wasn't looking forward to another possibly tense exchange, but he met up with Fizz at the Man Cave sports bar in Burbank, Calif., and Fizz immediately stood up to shake Dollaz's hand when he walked in.

"Man I wanted to come holla at you because obviously Moniece has mentioned you, but I only know so much about you from what I hear on the media and all the other stuff," Fizz said.

"That's not who I am," Dollaz told Fizz. "I'm trying to turn over a new leaf."

Fizz asked Dollaz about his relationship status with Moniece and Dollaz explained that he had feelings for Moniece and he was trying to see if it could work out long-term between the two.

"If you don't feel like that's where you're really going with her," Fizz said, "then I would just appreciate when y'all spend time that my son not necessarily be around."

Dollaz told Fizz that he has kids too and he understands where Fizz is coming from and Fizz shook Dollaz's hand again out of appreciation.

"I had my reservations about Rich," Fizz said in his on-camera interview. "But sitting here and seeing him being respectful and saying the right things when it comes to my son, I think we all great."

Watch the sneak peek below and be sure to catch the new episode of "Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood" airing Mondays at 8/9 c on VH1.