In season two, episode nine of VH1's "Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood," Amber Hunter finally learns the truth behind Miles Brock's relationship with Milan Christopher. Hunter came to terms that her dreams of one day marrying Brock have come to an end, and the two friends took a step in the right direction of repairing their friendship.

Brock came out to Hunter in a previous episode, as reported by HNGN. Hunter and Brock were high school sweethearts, and Hunter still had feelings for Brock, so she was devastated when she learned that Brock is not only gay, but in a relationship with another man.

Hunter took the situation into her own hands when she reached out to Christopher and asked to meet him, so that she could hear the truth about his relationship with Brock.

"He obviously told you he was gay," Christopher told Hunter, "and I don't know if you know that me and Miles have been in a relationship for two years - for like two years."

Hunter laughed, and explained in her on-camera interview that Brock broke up with her exactly two years ago, so essentially, he left her to pursue a relationship with Christopher. She told Christopher that she isn't angry at them, she's more hurt than anything else.

"I'm not mad at Miles for being with another man, I'm mad that he made me think there was a future for us," she said, then hugged Milan.

Hunter confided in her girlfriends about her situation with Brock, and finally mustered up the courage to confront him about keeping his relationship with Christopher from her. The two met up and Brock finally came clean about Christopher.

"You don't love me, you love me as a friend not as a person you want to spend the rest of your life with Milan and it's okay," Hunter told Brock. "I'm a strong b---h , you just loving another man, hey it's who you love, alright. I cannot judge you on that. But what I can judge you on is how you did me."

Brock explained to Hunter that he didn't tell her sooner because he knew that if he came out to Hunter, then her family would know and he would eventually have to tell his family about his sexuality.

"It's a domino effect so I didn't know how to deal with that," Brock told her. "I just want you to know that I love you, I don't want to lose you ever."

"Okay yeah we're friends, I don't hate you," Hunter told Brock. "I just don't f--k with you right now. Let me get over it."

Watch a clip from the episode below.