Tiny pumpkins are just odd. Are they a pumpkin, or are they a gourd? Are pumpkins gourds? These are the pressing questions, and Bilbo, the world's cutest little corgi puppy, is looking for answers from the tiny pumpkin, which appears to be making him mad, just by sitting there. And he will not tolerate any funny business, according to Mashable, just the facts, pumpkin.

While the rest of the world is jumping on the pumpkin bandwagon, Bilbo is not a fan yet. Perhaps if his people would make him his own Pumpkin Spice Puppiccino, the little guy would find that pumpkins are our friends.

Perhaps it's the tiny cuteness competition, Someecards notes. As you know, both tiny puppies and tiny pumpkins do bring the aww factor when you see them. Is Bilbo running his competition out of town?

Or is it the mere presence of something he cannot quite understand that ticks him off? As it is clear, Bilbo does not like this pumpkin, says People Pets.

See the delightful video showing Bilbo at about 9 weeks old, trying to figure out what the pumpkin is by smelling it, pawing it and finally just barking at it, like silly puppies do when they don't understand something.