While Instagram is dominated by selfies, weirdness, style trends and other lifestyle interests, it's pizza that dominates the selection when it comes to food photos.

A team from Italy studied food photos on the social media photo sharing site to look into different culinary trends around the world and found out that over 300 million photos of pizza were uploaded by Instagram users. At least 17 million came with the hashtag "pizza," according to Vice.

The research also pointed out that among the pizza photos, it's pizza from New York that was mostly uploaded by at least six percent. The number is slightly higher than the two percent of pizza photos uploaded from Naples, where the food is said to have originated, according to History.

It should be pointed out that the study is hardly scientific, as it was initiated by an Italian chef and a P.R. firm, according to Cosmopolitan, but searching for #pizza on Instagram will indeed deliver millions of posts and it's not surprising. In a study conducted by actual researchers from the University of Michigan, pizza is the most addictive food.

Here are some of the most popular pizza photos on Instagram: