Apple's new iOS 7 operating system has been in iPhone and iPad user's hands for a little more than a week now and in that time users have found every detail, glitch and hack imaginable. However, one complaint about the new mobile operating system from Apple that is being experienced by many users is that the new animations make them want to puke.

No, this isn't a clever way of saying some users don't like it. Many have taken to Apple's forums to complain that the many zoom animations and slight parallax effect on the iOS 7 home screen is causing many users to experience actual nausea.

"It takes a couple minutes of sustained stimulation to activate motion sickness," said former director of NASA Charles Oman, who is reluctant to refer to what some of these users are experiencing as "motion sickness" claiming it seems unlikely, according to Fox News. "If it were an immersive environment, like a headset or an IMAX screen, then I can believe it, but it's a little harder to believe on the small screens."

Still, many users seem to think that's exactly what they're experiencing, according to the Register.

"The zoom animations everywhere on the new iOS 7 are literally making me nauseous and giving me a headache. It's exactly how I used to get car sick if I tried to read in the car," wrote the initial poster in an Apple forum entitled "Any way to turn off iOS 7 navigation animations?"

"I have the same problem," another wrote. "After using it for two minutes I felt nauseous."

A third person commented: "I have the same problem. It hurts my eyes and make me dizzy. So annoying that we can't downgrade!!!! Really unhappy with Apple on this one :-("

"I thought I was going crazy today after I updated my phone and I noticed I was feeling queasy every time I used it. Now I see I am not alone! I just used my phone for about 20 minutes and now I feel like I'm going to vomit," commented another.

Some of the effects of the parallax animations, which allow the user to see their background image behind icons depending on how they rotate the device, can be reduced by going to Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion. Unfortunately for users experiencing this condition, there is no solution for the zoom animations available.