Maggie Gyllenhaal is HBO's newest star. The 37-year-old actress will be starring alongside James Franco in David Simon's newest 1970s porn drama "The Deuce," according to Entertainment Weekly. Franco will also be producing the show, which "follows the story of the legalization and subsequent rise of the porn industry in New York from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s." It will be all about the "rough-and-tumble world that existed" until things like HIV, violence, cocaine and real estate became major problems.

Gyllenhaal will play Eileen Merrell, also known as "Candy," who is a Times Square hooker and veteran with an entrepreneurial bent who is drawn into the porn industry, according to Deadline. 

"We're interested in what it means when profit is the primary metric for what we call society," Simon said about the pilot, according to The Hollywood Reporter, while his collaborator George Pelecanos added, "Porn, prostitution, pimps, the mob, after-hours nightlife, institutional corruption and New York in its Wild West's a world rich in character and a fascinating story we're eager to tell."

Not only is Maggie the brother of the well-known actor Jake Gyllenhaal, but she's made a name for herself in Hollywood from her phenomenal roles in "The Dark Night" and "Secretary."