Sometimes, little ones are copycats. They follow what we say and how we move. Well, that doesn't just apply to humans, but to felines too — just take a look at this adorable kitten as he tries to follow his mother's grooming routine.

The clip, posted on the America's Funniest Home Videos Facebook page, now has over eight millions views.

Little cat Neo was just 25 days old when he sat beside his mother and began copying her every move. When she started licking herself, her son soon did the same thing. The moment looks very heartwarming, fun and sweet!

The video was uploaded by the cats' owner, Ari K, who is documenting the lives of his cats by posting clips of them on YouTube.

"The amount of cute is going to overload my brains! And here I am without a muscle car to do a burn out to feel manly again," said one commenter.