Cats and dogs are always regarded as enemies because of how the later run after the former and how a cat's fur stands when it sees a dog. However, we are not sure if that is always the case, or if that is really innate for all felines and canines.

A video of the first meeting of a cat and dog is getting much attention on the Internet. It shows puppies and kittens in an open carry-on cage. When it was opened, the cats were the first to come out. They approached the dogs and looked frightened at first. The dogs started to interact with the cats. The two groups of animals curiously, but cautiously, check each other out, according to The Blaze.

The kittens and the puppies eventually ended up playing with each other while being curious of each other's differences.

This kitten-puppy encounter is indeed so cute! It actually gathered over 4,000 comments already with about 2 million views! Perhaps many people were curious about how these two species would react in their first meeting!

The YouTube video also shows that the cat is indeed a curious animal, as it did the first step and approached the dogs. Meanwhile, the dogs are the type that would want to familiarize something first before finally doing something about it.