There is something about cats that can really tap into our hearts and make us feel better no matter how bad our day is. So, if your skies are currently gray and your mood is all gloomy, that is bound to change after you see this funny video of cats.

But these are not just some ordinary cats. These are hilarious and curious cats that are trying to spark up a war with a camera. Well, for the world of cats, cameras could be something weird or amazing for them. What more if they could see themselves being played in a video on your screens?

This video compilation of Cats vs. Cameras will send you a bunch of laughter. You can clearly see that these furry friend of ours have innocent faces trying to decipher what that thing is that their human friends are putting in front of them.

There are two things that these cats could be thinking: either they are super curious or would like to swipe that camera away from their faces! Others would run away, while all of them would whoop, smack and give the camera a paw punch!

Take a look at this and tell me who won the battle between cats and cameras.