In a world where you can sit in your New York City apartment, order food online and have it delivered to your boyfriend in San Francisco, nothing is impossible. And sometimes, just waiting seems impossible, but if you're waiting to see what Princess Charlotte is going to look like at age 18, wait no longer.

Phojoe, an American digital forensic team - the same people who use age progression to create aged images of missing children or fugitives - created a photo for the Sunday Express that shows Princess Charlotte as a young adult.

The only public photo of the princess was taken when she was just hours old. That, combined with photos of her parents and grandparents, aided in the potential high school graduation photo:

"Like her mother, she is likely to have a lower lip that is noticeably fuller than the upper," said Phojoe's Jovey Mae Hayes, according to the Sunday Express. "That will give her smile a warm and enigmatic quality at the same time.

"Her paternal grandmother had similar lips too, so there could well be more and more of a ghost-like image of Diana as time passes. The dimples come from both sides of the genetic fence. Kate has them, especially when she smiles," said Hayes, "and her father's dimples are even more pronounced, so there's a strong possibility Charlotte's will be a facial characteristic."

"What I think is beyond doubt is that Charlotte has a genetic propensity to become a truly beautiful young woman," Hayes said, according to the Sunday Express. "Like most of her female forebears, she will be a tall and athletic teenager with incredibly good posture."

Now, if they can tell us if she will ever get to be queen...