
Cats Run From Litter Box After Pooping For A Very Scientific Reason

Experts finally revealed why so many cats frantically run away from their litter box after going to the bathroom.

Before this expert speculation was revealed cat owners wrote songs, inquired about the strange phenomenon on Internet forums and some even referred to this scientific book about human poop looking for an answer.

The real reason for cats acting this way is believed to link back to their animal instincts before they became a domesticated house pet.

Although cats are found at the top of many food chains, they are also the prey of many larger animals, Letrisa Miller, Feline Veterinarian, wrote on Quora.

Since cats are just as commonly predators as they are prey in the wild, sometimes it makes these cat phenomenons hard to read.

Running from the litter box could mean Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), kidney stones, inflammation in the colon or rectal area or the scent glands in the anal area called anal sacs, or it could be related to food allergy or sensitivities.

But if your cat has no other symptoms besides running away from their poop, veterinarian experts agree that it's likely the cat's way of reverting back to the wild feral behavior of their ancestors.

"Although we are used to our domesticated cats covering their fecal droppings, things are different in the wild," explains Lori Soard, an experienced pet writer who interviewed an "expert" on the topic.

"In the wild, cats defecate to mark their territory," Soard wrote on "These markings are used as a sign of dominance in wild cat colonies. So, in the wild, cats will cover their feces to prevent other animals being attracted and possibly attacking the wild cat. When your house cat uses the litter box and then runs like made through the house, he is simply trying to escape the fecal dropping and any animals that might attack him because of the scent."

Cat, Kitten, Poop, Science
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