The U.S Capitol was locked down on Saturday after a shooting that was later determined to be a suicide.

"Confirmed: ‎self-inflicted gunshot by neutralized subject," Capitol police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider said, according to CNN. "Multiple law enforcement/emergency services have responded in support of the incident."

The building was locked down until about 3:50 p.m. EDT as a precaution after shots were fired on the west front of the building. U.S. Capitol Police officers also were investigating a suspicious package on the lower west terrace.

The suspicious package turned out to be the man's suitcase. "There are no indications at this point of terrorism," a federal official told NBC News.

Ramesh Nandi told NBC News that he and his wife were sitting on the steps of the Capitol building when the incident occurred. Nandi told NBC News that a man in his 20s took out a placard, but Nandi did not know what it said. Nandi said he then heard a pop and the back of the man's head turned red.

"I grabbed my wife and said, 'Run! Run!' I thought it was a sniper because I didn't see a gun in his hand," Nandi told NBC News.

Authorities are still looking for the man's car, and the investigation is in its early stages.