Stuntmen attending San Diego's Comic-Con rescued a woman they saw hanging from the balcony of her 14th floor high-rise apartment, according to reports.

Amos Carver, a stuntman and rigger from Tuscon, Ariz., recounted the events to ABC News, explaining he was preparing for a live stunt event for a private party on Thursday with fellow stuntmen when they heard screams.

"The [stunt] coordinator and I were up on a scissor lift, we were a good 30 to 40 feet in the area already working when we turned around and looked," Carver said. "There was just a lot of commotion, people were screaming and pointing."

According to ABC News, Carver saw a woman dangling off the balcony railing and immediately brought the lift down so he and fellow stuntmen, Gregg Sergeant and Scot Schecter, could grab additional gear needed. Once properly equipped, they three men ran through three-lane traffic to bring the woman down to safety.

"We're trained to deal with these situations should they arise," Carver said. "But usually if we do, it's not an innocent civilian.

The men found the apartment building's manager, and with his permission, went up to the women's residence, and found the door was unlocked.

"We went through the apartment trying to be as quiet as possible," Carver told ABC News. "We didn't want to alert her that we were there."

The woman was hanging on the balcony with one hand, and one foot on the ledge. Stunman Sergeant grabbed her from behind while the two other stuntmen rushed in to help. Carver threw a harness around her and tied her back so she wouldn't slip.

The three stuntmen successfully removed the woman off the ledge just before the police officials arrived. According to ABC News, Carver said the woman appeared intoxicated.

"She just kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry,' over and over again," Carver said. "She was very distraught."

Officials said the woman has yet to be released, confirming she had been drinking because she was upset over a break up.