For all of the smashing success Marvel is enjoying with its cadre of characters, the studio has mostly failed to conjure up a memorable villain outside of Tom Hiddleston's Loki. DC Comics and Warner Bros. are hoping that isn't the case with their films.

Not a whole lot is known about next year's "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice." We do know that Aquaman will make an appearance to help set up a "Justice League" movie in 2017. We do know that Wonder Woman will play a significant role. And we do know that Lex Luthor will be one of the film's bad guys.

Now, we also know what Lex Luthor will look like.

Entertainment Weekly has posted the first glimpse of the infamous super villain, played by Jesse Eisenberg ("The Social Network," "Now You See Me").  

"He's not any of the Lexes that you've seen, that's for sure," director Zack Snyder said. "Other than him being a captain of industry and one person to the world and another person to himself. And bald, of course."

Eisenberg's casting inspired more than a few doubts from fans. However, Snyder's description of the Luthor character fits into the actor's past roles.

"Our Lex is disarming and he's not fake," Snyder said. "He says what he believes and he says what's on his mind. If you can unravel the string and decipher what he means, it's all there."

 "Batman V Superman" will hit theaters March 25, 2016.