Google has rolled out few important updates for Chrome Beta on Android Tuesday, which now supports Web Audio and WebRTC.

Google has brought some very important updates to the Chrome Beta on Android. The beta channel  introduced several APIs including Web Audio for high-quality audio production apps and WebRTC API that brings real-time communication to the browser.

WebRTC in Chrome 29 Beta version uses three independent components, "getUserMedia", "PeerConnection" and "DataChannels" that helps in real-time communication such as videoconferencing in the browser. The function of getUserMedia is to grant access to user's webcam and microphone, PeerConnection sets up calls by passing through the NATs and firewalls and finally the DataChannels creates peer-to-peer connection between browsers.

In addition, Google also included Web Audio API, a high-level API for audio processing, to allow developers to apply "professional-quality audio production applications and modern game audio engines."

"Today's Chrome Beta channel brings Chrome packaged apps several new capabilities including richer access to Google services such as Google Analytics, Google APIs and Google Wallet, and better OS integration using services such as Bluetooth and native app communication," reads the Blog Post.

Google has also fixed some bugs and enhanced the performance of the app to give faster and uninterrupted navigation.