Two baby Yellow Mongoose brothers, born at a UK zoo in January, are their parent's first babies to survive their first months of life, thanks to Exmoor Zoo's caring zookeepers. 

The Yellow Mongoose mother had another litter in the past, but none of her babies survived because she is to elderly to produce milk, reported Zoo Borns. When Mumbles and Wiggles (also known as the "Weasley Brothers") were born the zookeepers at Exmoor's Zoo decided to step in to help. 

The zookeepers plan to provide "extensive hands-on care" to the Yellow Mongoose for about two months before they go on exhibit, reported Zoo Borns. 

The tiny Yellow Mongoose are happily accepting the zookeeper's care. 

Yellow Mongoose only grow to be about one pound and measure about 20 inches. They are native to open lands in Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe.