Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends who live faraway or that you haven't seen in years, right? A new study says that isn't what keeps you clicking "like" on all those photos of your pal's vacation.

Researchers at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y. believe that active Facebook users are just looking for some attention. Does that sound like you? Well, according to the same researchers, you're also insecure about your relationships.

The researchers conducted a survey of 600 people between the ages of 18 and 83. The subjects were asked questions about their Facebook usage and their relationships, according to News Corp Australia.

Researchers found that there are two types of "Facebookers." The first type is an attention-seeking extrovert who wants the world to know what they are up to. The second type suffers from attachment anxiety. The people in this group worry about being rejected or unloved.

Finally, a diagnosis for all those "Don't ask me why I'm upset. Le Sigh," posts that really mean, "Please, please, please ask me what's wrong. Validate me!"

The higher the attachment anxiety, the more "feedback seeking" behavior the Facebook user exhibited. They were more likely to post something that would elicit a response, like a sexy selfie.

"Compared to more secure people, those higher in attachment anxiety are more feedback sensitive," one of the study's authors Joshua Hart said in a statement, according to News Corp Australia. "They report feeling much better about themselves when they get a lot of comments, likes and other feedback on their posts and worse about themselves when their Facebook activity generates little attention."