IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark has released data showing that more money was spent on Apple iOS devices than on Android devices on Thanksgiving.

iPhone and iPad owners were said to have spent close to 25 percent more than people who owned an Android device on "Black Thursday," according to CNN Money. An average of $118.57 was spent per order by iOS owners, while Android owners spent an average of $95.25 per order.

Earlier reports showed that sales declined as the day went on, with iOS users having an average order value of $122.08 and Android users having an average order value of $97.25.

"Apple has a strong hold on online shopping," said Jay Henderson, director of IBM Smarter Commerce, adding that iPhone and iPad users are often wealthier and more comfortable with technology than their Android counterparts.

Several other reasons were proposed as to why iOS owners spent more on Thanksgiving weekend, such as iOS users spending more money on apps and accessories, ZDNet reported.

The iOS platform being easier to use and developers favoring this platform were also offered up as possible reasons for the spending difference.

Apple users made up 25 percent of total online sales on Thanksgiving, as they are three times more likely than Android users to make purchases on their mobile phone or tablet, CNN Money reported.

Half of all online shopping done on Black Thursday was reportedly done on a mobile device, which Henderson calls "pretty dramatic," since that number was only 6.5 percent in 2010. Desktop PC shoppers spent an average of $132.48 per order, representing 47.6 percent of total online purchases.

Initial results from Adobe show that a total of $254 million was spent on smartphones and tablets on Thursday.