So, if you're three years old and you want country superstar Miranda Lambert to show up at your birthday party when you turn four, what do you do? You get mom to film you asking the singer and you pop the oh-so-cute invitation on YouTube. Then you sit back in your booster chair and wait.

That's exactly what three-year-old Ronan and his mom did. In the YouTube video, Ronan is chomping on a piece of candy and having a really difficult time pronouncing "Miranda Lambert." He keeps caller her "DeLamber Lamber." But little Ronan doesn't give up and neither does his mom, who keeps coaxing and coaching him to say the star's name correctly.

"I can't say it, so I wanna say La-Lamber Lamber," explains Ronan

Finally, on another attempt, the little boy says "Miranda Lambert" perfectly!

When his mom asked him if he thinks Lambert will come to his party, he nods enthusiastically. When he's asked what he would say to the star at the party, he balks momentarily, then declares, "I'll hug her!"

And if Lambert did show up, what kind of birthday present would little Ronan want the singer to bring? Well, he has a definite idea about that. He wants her to bring "a toothless flying sword toy."

Maybe Lambert can ask her fellow country star hubby, Blake Shelton, if he has one of those in his old toy box.