Telltale Games announced that the first installment of its "Game of Thrones" inspired title would be released just in time for the holiday season.

Episode one titled “Iron From Ice” will launch on the PC, Mac and PS4 SCEA on Dec. 2, according to Telltale’s official Twitter account. Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS4 SCEE will get the episode on Dec. 3, and iOS gamers will get it on Dec. 4.

Telltale Games writer Andrew Grant recently spoke with IGN about the upcoming “Game of Thrones” title. Grant claimed the title caters to George R.R. Martin’s hardcore readers and those invested in diving deeper in the franchise.

“We left no stone unturned in terms where we might step our storyline. And of course as Game of Thrones nerds, the notion of doing Robert’s Rebellion sounded so awesome, initially,” Grant explained.

“I know a lot of people have commented ‘Wow, that would be so awesome to play through Robert's Rebellion!’ We chose not to do that, not only because it would involve characters that are new to fans of the show, but also to keep in mind that the storyline is still unfolding in the books and in the show. George still has that story to tell. So it wouldn’t entirely be ours to explore.”

However, the title will pay homage to the HBO series and include iconic music from the TV show. Developers wanted to make sure the game captured the essence of the series.

“We’re working really closely to match the show,” Von Nagel told IGN. “We have access to the music from the show we can use, and then Jared is doing his amazing work that he’s done with us for the past 10 years.”