A porpoise found in a town south of London a little over a mile away from the shore apparantely died from too much mating.

"The male porpoise was in a pretty poor way," Rob Deaville, from the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme, who carried out the porpoise's autopsy, tells Argus. "This appears to be an elderly porpoise, which would have had to expend most of his energy reserves to mate-leaving him deathly hungry and cold. Harbour porpoises live on a knife edge, and if they don't get enough food, their fat reserves deplete, meaning they don't have enough energy to catch food." 

The 5-foot, 110-pound mammal was found in an alley on Nov. 1 a few days after it probably died, Mail Online reported. The alley is about a mile away from the ocean, leading some to believe the porpoise was left in the alley as part of a Halloween prank. 

"I was confused. It's a weird place to dump a porpoise body. We found it at 5.30pm and the RSPCA came and covered it in a wrap at 6:15 p.m," Tim Allen, 31, who lives near the alley, said to Argus. "The council or someone came and took it the next morning. It was very surreal."