Skype's Windows Phone app now has a feature that Snapchat users might recognize.

The video chat service updated the app Monday with a feature that lets users draw on blank canvas and change photos to make them look funny, according to PC Magazine. Users will then be able to share their creative artwork with their friends.

The feature can be accessed by clicking the plus-sign icon in a chat and selecting "drawing." Drawing on Bing Maps is now also possible, so users can highlight the best way for other people to get to a destination.

The new app, called Skype 2.24, brings additional changes to Windows Phone, such as support for phones with HD screens to make videos clearer when you're talking to friends and family, as well as improvements to the service's speed, PC Magazine reported. Users will also be able to use the Microsoft account linked to their phones to log in automatically.

"We always want to help you access your conversations as quickly as possible, so we've worked hard to make the Windows Phone 8.1 app resume even faster," Lara Kingwell from Skype wrote in a blog post.

Skype has not said if it will bring the drawing feature to its app for iOS or Android, Gizmodo reported.

The update follows a week after the company took another piece of inspiration from Snapchat, with the introduction of Skype Qik, a video messaging app that lets users make their videos disappear.

Skype 2.24 is also the latest update made by the company, the previous being last week for the iOS app to work with Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, PC Magazine reported.

Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone 8 users can download Skype's new app now from the Windows Phone Store.