Are you just enjoying your cup of coffee or you are already showing signs of a mental disorder driven by too much coffee drinking?

Last May 22, the 5th edition of the mental health manual Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, officially listed caffeine intoxication as a mental disorder.

Signs that a person is already suffering from caffeine intoxication are restlessness, enthusiasm, anxiety, red face, stomach pains, spasms, irregular speech, insomnia, palpitations and more. Anyone experience at least five of the signs immediately after drinking coffee could possibly have caffeine intoxication. It is official if coffee is already affecting a person's ability to perform some tasks.

The idea about coffee intoxication was already brought up on the manual's previous edition but it is just now that the authors have added an associated conclusion. A person with coffee intoxication will suffer from caffeine withdrawal wherein he will experience episodes of headache, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, depression and other negative signs.

There were several studies showing the advantages and disadvantages of caffeine in the body but most consumers are still unaware that they may be physically dependent on it. Some people even have the idea that they couldn't start working in a day without drinking a cup of coffee first.

The good news is that coffee intoxication is a temporary mental disorder. A person may suffer from caffeine withdrawal but it will be just for a short period of time.

Some psychiatrists question the inclusion of coffee intoxication in the list of the mental disorders since it is just a temporary condition.

Alan Budney, co-author of the manual and a clinical psychologist, clarified their basis told Medscape Medical News, "caffeine is invading our society more and more. So there's concern enough to consider this topic seriously, even though it's probably one of the more controversial issues faced by our work group."

Based on the numbers posted in Static Brain website, about 54 percent of the Americans age 18 and above drink an average of 9 ounces of coffee on a daily basis.